GETTING READY FOR THE NEW Tomorrow marks the end of year 2020. It’s been a year of experiences different from other years but in everything we give God thanks because this is His will concerning us. As we appreciate God for this eventful year and cross over to a new year, year 2021 our year of Plenty, Taking New Territories, these thoughts resonates in me; It’s time to get over fear by doing what you’re afraid of. Don’t be a victim. Victims blame, Victors learn. Victors figure out what went wrong and rearrange their life so that it never happens again. Otherwise life will just keep throwing the very same lesson at you until you ‘get it.’ Be a fast learner and do more of heart learning. Heart learning is transformational learning while head learning is informational learning. It’s time for total transformation. Rom12:1-2 See the future, the new territories you are about to take with the eyes of faith. Don’t let the past haunt or limit you. Nobody puts a new wine in an old wine skin...