1 Samuel 16:7b. “. . . for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 

All that glitters is not gold is a popular saying that is pregnant with meaning. The phrase means do not be deceived by looks because a person may look innocent but they are not. Outward appearance can be greatly misleading. There is more to a man psychologically than the physical being. Like shining glass pieces which dazzle and glitter like diamonds the appearance of men can be greatly misleading. Samuel went to the house of Jesse as instructed by God to anoint one of his sons as king. Every time any of them passed by, he would say surely the Lord’s anointed until the  Lord said, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him. We all make the same mistakes at the point of making crucial decisions and the effects can sometimes be very devastating. The shining outer look of something is not a consistent sign of its real character. There are metals which are widely sold in the markets which looks like gold but are not. Not everything that looks precious turns out to be so. It is important to be discerning at the point of decision making. The repercussions of some decisions live beyond us, so we need to be very careful not to be carried away or take wrong steps. The Spirit of the Lord is the only One that looks beyond the surface into the deep and the real thing. Some businesses will look enticing but not real and can not be easily detected. Some people will look good but they lack character and integrity. Before you go into that marriage, business, trip, relationship,plan, let the Holy Spirit help you look beyond the carriage/package to the content as you take the next major step in your life. You will not not be misled in Jesus name.


Folake Olukoyede 


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