
Showing posts from March, 2021


John 15:5 KJV [5] I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. We thank God for the last day of the first quarter in year 2021. No matter where you are and what you are faced with, you have reasons to be grateful. Don’t put yourself under pressure and don’t let anybody put you under pressure. Irrespective of what may have happened in this first quarter, I want you to know that the best is yet to come. Losses will restored, barrenness will come to an end, dryness will be over, sicknesses will be healed, weeping will cease and joy will come in Jesus name. Don’t despair. The miracle worker will turn things around in your favor. Be optimistic as we approach this second quarter.    This is your season. The Lord will do new things and the former things you will not remember anymore. Let the Lord lead you because He is the all knowing God. Without Him we can do nothing.?He has good plan ...


Hebrews 12:1 KJV [1] Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, It takes sacrifice and discipline to keep running our race. Most efforts are out of sight but the results are glaring to all. When you see people emerge as winners, you don’t know the work that has gone into it. Same applies to the race of marriage. when you see couples that you admire, you won’t know what they have gone through to appear as perfect couples to the world. We can easily be discouraged if we’re not on guard. It is important that we deal with different weights that can hinder from running our race, such as; -Lack of focus: Full concentration and deep focus is needed in any endeavor. Distraction is bait of the enemy to make you lose attention on what matters. Running and looking back has grave implication. Don’t think you are designed for ev...


Psalm 18:29 KJV [29] For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall. Everyone in life is running a race. When a race is to begin, the whistle is blown and everyone takes off but they do not arrive the finish line at the same time. So also in life there’s a time to enter the race and a time to exit. In between the entry and the exit, it is important we run with patience, though passionately, the race that is set before us. As you run, some will commend you and some will condemn you. Their opinion is not important and should not be your yardstick. 2 Timothy 2:4 KJV [4] No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. There are rules guiding your race and that is what you should stick to. You are accountable to the person who put you on track and field. Avoid being disqualified. Do all it takes to succeed. King Saul got himself disqualified in his race as a king because of peo...


Happy women’s Day to all our wonderful, adorable, strong, beautiful, caring, marvelous and beautiful women out there. We celebrate your grace, passion and every great quality you possess as a woman, whether single or married, young or old. The ability to birth greatness and what outlives you is in you. You matter in every facet of life and most importantly in Gods plan. Without you, the blessing of fruitfulness and multiplication for procreation  can not find expression. Your role and assignment can not be understated or overlooked. You may look fragile on the outside but you are strong on the inside because He that is in you is greater than anything that comes your way. You have won so many battles and I know you will win many more. The content in you is what keeps you going. What powers you is divine. You are special in different ways.  This year's IWD theme is  #ChoosetoChallenge.   Choose to challenge your worries, fears and everything that tries to hin...


1 Corinthians 9:24 KJV [24] Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. Running requires effort and discipline. To be a professional, much is required of you. You find yourself running even when you don’t feel like. You can’t take a career in track and field and do it casually. Those who run casually are not running to obtain a prize. Our Christian race is to obtain a prize so we can’t be casual about it. Everyone who runs in a competition, run to obtain a perishable crown but we do it for a crown that is imperishable. There are a few things I will want us to consider as we run our Christian race; Be mindful of the track or route you are running. Speed is irrelevant when you are on the wrong direction. Gehazi ran after the Syrian, Naaman, to collect what the master rejected thereby carrying a curse of leprosy for himself and his generation. That wasn’t his assignment so the energy expended on the journey was a waste. Have ...