Happy women’s Day to all our wonderful, adorable, strong, beautiful, caring, marvelous and beautiful women out there. We celebrate your grace, passion and every great quality you possess as a woman, whether single or married, young or old. The ability to birth greatness and what outlives you is in you. You matter in every facet of life and most importantly in Gods plan. Without you, the blessing of fruitfulness and multiplication for procreation  can not find expression. Your role and assignment can not be understated or overlooked. You may look fragile on the outside but you are strong on the inside because He that is in you is greater than anything that comes your way. You have won so many battles and I know you will win many more. The content in you is what keeps you going. What powers you is divine. You are special in different ways. 

This year's IWD theme is #ChoosetoChallenge.  

Choose to challenge your worries, fears and everything that tries to hinder you as you run your race. 

Choose to Challenge the status quo that will not allow your God given potential to find expression. 

Choose to challenge and overcome anything holding you back from living your best life and shining your light to the world. Stop waiting to find the light at the end of the tunnel. Be the light. Don't let someone dim your light simply because it's shining in their eyes. Ignite, Blossom, Flourish, Radiate God’s glory and keep shining.

Choose to be the best that you can be. Creation was not complete until you showed up. So lay aside every weight, get up, dress up and show up. The world is awaiting your manifestation. There’s so much inside of you. It’s time to give expression to what is in you. King’s daughter Arise, Life giver Shine because You matter.


Folake Olukoyede 


  1. Thanks Ma'am for this wonderful articles. God bless you and yours in Jesus name Amen.

  2. Excellent. Thanks for sharing Ma. Greater Grace.

  3. I choose to challenge being criticized or ever criticizing any woman out there. Though hard pressed on every side, We are strong! Thanks for sharing ma.

  4. Yes 0! Am proud to be a woman.

    Thank you ma for the words of encouragement.

  5. A great piece . Keep it up sister Folake Olukoyede. Go'd's got your back.


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