Philippians 4:6 KJV [6] Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. In continuation of the write up last week, I feel so impressed in my spirit to continue where i stopped. We looked at the fact that the relevance and out come of things depends on whose hands it is. It is important to know how to place things in the right place, it makes things easier when we put things where they should be and makes one more organized and effective. It allows you spend less time looking for items. When you know where you have kept something, you just go there to pick it up and you’ll be at rest knowing it’s in a safe place. Items dropped in the wrong place over time eventually become a big task clearing or cleaning up. Same thing goes for issues we are faced with. Where we place issues determine a lot in our lives, if not we find ourselves under pressure, restless and unable to sleep. Learn to lay aside anything that...