Job 22:29 KJV When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person. Economic situation all over the world is nothing to write home about. When an event happens in one country, the effects can be felt on the economies of other countries. The world economy faces the risk of a prolonged period of growth. The world system is failing everyday but the Word of God stands sure. The world system may seem to be easier but don’t go that way. God’s way is the best and far superior. Don’t look to natural sources, your job, your strength or investment (it doesn’t mean you won’t work but don’t depend on it. It can’t solve your issues). Believe God for direction and look to His Word. He is able to get things done. Who would have thought a fish could carry a coin? Yet it did. Or that a widow in Zarephath who had little left, could sustain a servant of God and her household through the period of famine? Anything can happen when God is involved...