
Showing posts from September, 2020


  MAKING PEOPLE FEEL IMPORTANT (3) Making people feel important has its own benefit. When you help others feel important, you help yourself feel important too. You can’t make people feel important without appreciating them. Nobody likes being taken for granted. People feel important when you let them know you depend on them with comments like “i don’t know what I’ll do without you”,    you always make things easy for me.” Remarks like this make people feel necessary and help them increase their performance. People thrive on compliments. Everyone craves praise and wants to be assured they’re doing a great job. Praise is not only for big accomplishments. Little things matter.    Don’t classify people. Treating someone as second class never makes you a first class. Don’t hug glory, invest it. When you are acknowledged or rewarded for a service, appreciate others who make it happen. Share praise, that way, people sincerely know that you appreciate their value. They’...


  MAKING PEOPLE FEEL IMPORTANT (2) In continuation of our discussion last week, today we will be looking at the benefit of making people feel important.  When you make people feel important, they care about you. And when they care about you, they do more for you. Customers will buy more from you, your staff will work harder for you, family and friends will go out of their to do anything for you. It pays to make ‘little’ people feel like big people and ‘big’ people feel even bigger. A person of worth always add value to people by visualizing them at their best. As he thinks big about people, he gets their best out of them. If you don’t take stock, you will think you’re making much impact in the lives of people when you are making little or nothing. Have you really been able to bring out the best in people or someone else had helped those around you before they met you?    Do you look out to hire or poke the best or like King David, do you bring out the best in people ...


  MAKING PEOPLE FEEL IMPORTANT (1) Philippians 2:3 KJV [3] Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. The desire to be important is man’s strongest, most compelling non-biological hunger. Everyone has a desire, to feel important. Advertisers take advantage of people’s crave for distinction and recognition so they say ‘only for people of class’; ‘for people with distinctive taste’.    The airlines make people pay more for class distinction. If it’s not important, they won’t waste their time. Displaying the attitude ‘You are important’ gets result and it cost nothing. According to the scripture above, let us esteem others better than ourselves. When you make feel people feel important, it doesn’t make you feel less, instead you are appreciated more. There’s the tendency to view people who can’t do anything for you as not important and that is a major blunder.    People avoid those who mak...


EXPECT TO RECEIVE  Acts3:1-10 It is easy for us to get use to some things that have stayed with us so long, such that we don't expect a change. The story is told of a man who was born lame and had lived with it for over 40 years, begging for alms at the gate of the temple. He woke up as usual to his daily routine of hopelessness, begging for alms not knowing that it was his appointed time for a notable miracle. There was no hunger for a change unlike blind Bartimaeus in Mk10:46-47 who was also a beggar and desired more than begging. He heard that Jesus was passing and began to cry for the Master's attention. They tried to stop him but he cried the more a great deal. He got what he wanted through persistence. Jesus stopped and saw that he was blind and was a beggar but needed to be sure of what he wanted, rather than assume that a beggar will always want money. He asked in vs51 what do you want me to do for you? He said that I may receive my sight. He got his sight. You will get...