In continuation of our discussion last week, today we will be looking at the benefit of making people feel important. 

When you make people feel important, they care about you. And when they care about you, they do more for you. Customers will buy more from you, your staff will work harder for you, family and friends will go out of their to do anything for you. It pays to make ‘little’ people feel like big people and ‘big’ people feel even bigger. A person of worth always add value to people by visualizing them at their best. As he thinks big about people, he gets their best out of them. If you don’t take stock, you will think you’re making much impact in the lives of people when you are making little or nothing. Have you really been able to bring out the best in people or someone else had helped those around you before they met you?  Do you look out to hire or poke the best or like King David, do you bring out the best in people who are nobody? Positive input brings out positive output. Negative input brings out negative output. This reminds me of something I read about a queen, it says “she’s both holy water and hell fire, the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her.” The response you get from people is in direct proportion to your attitude towards them and input in their lives. When I was working in the bank, sometimes I went with the staff bus, the driver will wait for some of us and even use his airtime to call us to follow up on us, because we ask after his family, his well being and appreciate him for his job that he’s paid to do. Meanwhile he will not wait a second for some people no matter  how much we implore him. Everyone is important and relevant no matter how insignificant their assignment looks. Making people feel important is beneficial to you and to them. Let’s all cultivate this habit. Shalom.

Folake Olukoyede 


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