Making people feel important has its own benefit. When you help others feel important, you help yourself feel important too. You can’t make people feel important without appreciating them. Nobody likes being taken for granted. People feel important when you let them know you depend on them with comments like “i don’t know what I’ll do without you”,  you always make things easy for me.” Remarks like this make people feel necessary and help them increase their performance. People thrive on compliments. Everyone craves praise and wants to be assured they’re doing a great job. Praise is not only for big accomplishments. Little things matter.  Don’t classify people. Treating someone as second class never makes you a first class. Don’t hug glory, invest it. When you are acknowledged or rewarded for a service, appreciate others who make it happen. Share praise, that way, people sincerely know that you appreciate their value. They’ll be glad to do more. Don’t compare people or their achievements with others. It makes them feel inadequate and compare you too. The only difference is they may not be able to tell you when or who they compare you with if you are their superior. Do something special for people around you and  your family. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive. It’s the thought that counts. Anything that shows you put your them first will do the trick. It’s not just paying the bills. Give them planned attention, if not you will be busy trying to make ends meet and never find time for them. When you sit with them don’t talk about yourself or the sacrifices you make for them. Instead let them know you appreciate them as a great gift from God and the things they do for you. Get to know what they are up to. Can they count on you when they need help or counsel?  Deposit seeds of greatness in people because you are a great person yourself. Let’s cultivate the habit of making people feel important. You will always be relevant. Shalom.

Folake Olukoyede 


  1. Word in session. More wisdom ma.

  2. This is a major challenge in xtiandom .
    Many because of titles has no testimony. In my opinion , testimonies says more about you than titles. When you make people feel important you're building a bridge rather than walls .
    This topic should be treated with all humility cos those who make people feel important are naturally humble ones ..

  3. Thanks for this message. The holy spirit will abide with us and teach us what to do at a particular time.

  4. Wonderful.God will keep blessing you

  5. Everlasting joy will be our portion. Thank you for the beautiful message.

  6. Thank you God's strength always in Jesus name.


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