AGREEMENT IN RELATIONSHIP Looking at last week’s topic of companionship, a scripture came to my mind Amos 3:3 KJV [3] Can two walk together, except they be agreed? This is the foundation for companionship. Two people can not walk together without agreeing to do so. There must be a common ground and a point of attraction in every relationship. Two are better than one if they are of the same kind. Their multiplier effect is felt more. You must identify your kind. A prey should not consider walking with its predator because it’s destiny will be choked or truncated sooner or later. What is agreement? Agreement is harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling. it can also be defined as the act of coming to a mutual decision, position or arrangement. It is the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in which they approve of or accept something. For two to walk together in the journey of life, there has to be agreement on certain issues that will m...