There’s never a time to pray as this. We have been praying and it is obvious that our prayer is working for us. However, we need to intensify our prayer. No wonder Jesus said “men always ought to pray and not to faint.” We can not afford to fold our hands or faint  at a time as this, with the development all over the world. If we faint in the days of adversity, our strength is small. IF WE DON’T PRAY, WE BECOME A PREY. If we are willing to pray, there’s a God that is willing to answer. 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
[14] If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
In the place of prayer, direction is given, help is secured and transformation takes place. Prayer is giving God permission to intervene in the affairs of men. You will agree with me that we need to give God permission to move in our lives and in our land. When we have done what is humanly possible, we give God room to do what is humanly impossible. The combination of humanity and divinity propels a miracle. It is with men that some things are not possible. Not with God, for with God, all things are possible. As we invite God anew and afresh, the lines will fall for us in pleasant places. Everything begins to work together for our good. IT IS WHEN WE MAKE KNEE MARKS, THAT WE MAKE LANDMARKS. We are faced with a realityof a challenge but the truthis that we have a God that is able to deliver us and answer when we call upon Him. It is time for change, a turnaround. We need to cry for mercy because too many things have gone wrong. He’s a God that shows mercy unto whom He’ll show mercy and He’ll have compassion on whom He’ll have compassion. May the Lord have compassion on us, show us mercy and heal our land. When we seek Him we will find Him. In our various homes, let us seek God passionately, lifting up our voice in one accord. Thank God every home has become His sanctuary. May this season bring us closer to God as we await the second coming of Jesus.

Folakemi Olukoyede


  1. Amen. My home is your sanctuary lord.

  2. Amen. When we make a knee mark then we make a land mark. Lord help us!!

  3. All we need now is to intensive prayer

  4. Amen. May we not be found wanting at our duty post crying for the help of the Lord at a time like this in Jesus name. Thanks ma for your words of encouragement.

  5. Prayer is the way to victory and every must hold strong to it. Mountain move when we pray and doors of great opportunity are open when we pray sincerely from our heart

  6. AMEN. Glory be to God in the highest. Prayer is the only spiritual weapon that we have as believers. It is written "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avail much"

    Congratulations sir for this new development it shall be from glory to glory.

    1. Yes, if we don't pray, we become preys. May our prayers not be in vain

  7. Thank you ma for this heartwarming message. God bless real good ma.

  8. The glory of God almighty will continue to shine through you to the world in Jesus Christ name.

  9. Thank you my sister. I am really blessed. After doing all that is humanly possible. I need to give God room to do humanly impossible. Thank you Jesus.

  10. Amen! Thanks for the post Ma. "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"

  11. We receive more grace to wait on God in prayers.

    More grace ma

  12. Amen. There is no better time to pray

  13. Replies
    1. Amen. When man gets to the "End of self", God's power begins to manifest. Our God is mighty to save us at these perilous time. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. We just have to approach The Throne of Grace with a contrite spirit.

  14. Amen. Thank you, my sister for sharing this beautiful exhortation. Whenever man gets to the "End of self" God's power begins to manifest. Our God is mighty to save us at these perilous times. *God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.* So, we must approach the Throne of Grace with a contrite spirit. He will answer us and heal our Land in Jesus name. Amen.

  15. So true maa,prayer is simply taking to God and waiting on him to talk back(which we hardly do or havent allowed the holy spirit to teach us) God is ever ready to listen to us especially when we praise him even when we havent seen all what we asked for in what I call our " Do List" which we call prayer.God knows we have need of this things....so we should mostly praise and exalt him always...

  16. I totally agree. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. God wants the just to live by faith

  17. A prayer less Christian is not only a Powerless Christian but a Foolish Christian.We need not just prayer at this "new normal" times but to become a prayer for someone.This are the times to give ourselves out of poverty bc God is watching and their are a lot of people in need.We need to not only pray but hear God talk back to us on what to do next.The unbelievers will make d best use of this time but some of us Christians would just be praying and not watching or listening to what God is saying

  18. This is the time the whole world need to raise it's voice in supplication to the owner of the world. We pray the Almighty hears our prayers.

  19. Amen. Good piece, Prayer is a powerful weapon. And when we pray, we are communicating with the Lord, what a great opportunity and previlage, God is awesome, He is our strength. So we cannot afford not to seek Him every time.

  20. Prayer is the key. I am a living witness of what prayer can do in someone's life. When you pray, what the world says, it is impossible becomes possible.

  21. Good msg for this period .Tnx and more Grace in Jesus Christ name

  22. God is a prayer answering God. He is faithful and just

  23. Prayer changes things. and we should pray without ceasing.
    Thank you mummy.

  24. A prayerless Christian is a powerless christian. You are stronger when you pray and weaker when you don't pray. Also, a close mouth is a close destiny. so when you open your mouth and pray, things will begin to fall in pleasant places. Thank you mummy. May God increase your knowledge.

  25. My home and my life is a sanctuary of God holiness is the key let's key into it with all humility

  26. As i read this article it brings out tears in my eyes, from today onward my home has become sanctuary of GOD

  27. Thank you mummy, more Anointing spiritually.
    Praise, thank, glory be to God Almighty in heaven.
    My father my God in heaven, make my home, my children home be your dwelling home in the mighty name of Jesus.

  28. Prayer is the key. Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer.

  29. prayer is key to every success in life


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