Fear is a trick of the enemy to keep you oppressed, suppressed and depressed. You are probably afraid because of what you have seen or heard, something you believe you can’t handle. Have you ever asked yourself, why am I afraid? Assuming you have a project to deliver  and you don’t have the capital to execute it before the dateline, you get apprehensive and lose your sleep because a lifetime opportunity is about to slip off. But when you know a Bank will handle it, you go to sleep because your fear is taken care of. You have a Father who is not only greater than the Bank but owns the whole world (Psalm 24:1) and gives you access to Himself 24/7. He’s always ready to carry your burden if you bring them to Him. So why are you afraid/agitated? The issue with most of us is that we weigh our issues with our strength. We look  at our capacity or capability instead of looking at the capability of God. This reminds me of a story in the Bible in 1Samuel17 when Goliath threatened the children of Israel, they were sore afraid vs24. Goliath saw them as the armies of Israel and they saw themselves the same way. But when David got to the scene, he saw the armies of the living God vs26, so he wasn’t afraid of Goliath. He saw him as one of the lions and bears that God delivered him from. He wasn’t seeing the size of Goliath, he saw the size of God. The victory was already established in his heart before he ventured out.
Fear is defined in the dictionary as the likelihood of something unwelcome happening. Note that it is the likelihood and not the certainty. Our interpretation of events is a function of what goes on in our mind and it determines our actions. Fear can mean False Evidences Appearing Real or Face Everything And Rise. Fear is an invite for the enemy to operate. Faith is an invite for God to operate. God does NOT operate in the atmosphere of fear and the Devil does not operate in the atmosphere of faith. You create your own ambience. Stay away from people or things that create fear in you consciously or unconsciously. Move with the people that propel your faith. What you hear has the ability to create fear or faith in you Rom10:10, so choose what you want. 
Face your fears. You have all the weapons to overcome. You are a different specie. That is why when men are cast down, you shall say there’s a lifting up. A thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. From the clime where you are meant to operate, fear is an alien. What God does not give you should not be in your possession. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV
[7] For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
A fearful person is a powerless person. Perfect love cast out all fear. A person operating in fear is not likely to demonstrate sound mind. The only fear we are permitted to have is the fear of God. This is not the fear that terrorizes but a response to the magnitude of God’s love and appreciation of His faithfulness.
The reality is that issues will come but the truth is that you are more than conqueror.  There are 366 fear not in the Bible for each day, irrespective of what you are faced with, wake up everyday with thanksgiving, mention your name and say FEAR NOT.  Fear tolerated is Faith contaminated. 

Folakemi Olukoyede


  1. Powerful one. God bless you ma

  2. Most of the time our fears are based on our thoughts,imaginations and assumptions, not even what we see. Fear of the unknown... Forgetting we serve the Almighty who is capable of doing all things. As long as we are on his side no one can be against us (Rom 8:31)
    Thank you for the message, God bless you ma

  3. Fear is indeed an alien spirit to every child of God.
    Thank you for sharing ma.
    Lord we receive the strength to rise above everything that is trying to keep us in fear.

  4. Wow amazingly correct ma'am thanks

  5. Thank you for the message Ma. Fear is a weapon, the devil uses to attack. Once you defeat him in fear. You win in every thing.

  6. Very inspiring. God bless you ma

  7. Why should I fear when God says to me " Fear not for I am with you". For the children of God there's no fear.

  8. Awesome piece. Thank you ma.

  9. God bless you maa.Fear of the unknown has gripped everyone now,especially @ this lockdown period.We need to rise above fear and maximize this time to invest in our relationship with God,ourselves and our families and friends.This are times that try Mans soul but God through his spirit will always make a way out,cause guess what? He conquered already 2000 years aga

  10. Thanks for sharing Ma. Alleluia! God has not given us the spirit of fear...

  11. Fear is a total lack of trust in God, it is undermining the ability of God. It's like saying "God, you can't handle this" and this elements shouldn't be exhibited by children of God. The moment we realised the supremacy of God over all things, fear will cease in our hearts.

  12. God bless you ma, I can honestly say that I was blessed through the message

  13. Indeed God has not given us the spirit of Fear but of love power and sound mind. Tnx ma

  14. FEAR is man's greatest enemy, especially the fear of the Unknown. As children of God Almighty, we are instructed to fear God, only. That "fear'" is an act of reference & devotion to our Creator, JEHOVAH. We are not allowed to be afraid our situation or circumstances or the Unknown because there is a SOLUTION to every problem and they can be found in the Bible.

  15. FEAR is man's greatest enemy, especially "fear of the Unknown". As children of God Almighty, we are instructed to fear God only and that is an act of reference and devotion to Him as our Creator, JEHOVAH. We are not allowed to be afraid or timid about our circumstances or situations or the Unknown. We have the right to approach the Throne of Grace with boldness to obtain mercy and favour. There is a SOLUTION to every problem as written in the Bible. All that is required from us is to retrieve it and confess it over that problem, situation, circumstance or "FEAR".

  16. Good one maa,fear has torment and most of the things we fear hardly happens

  17. Why should we fear when God said, fear not for I am with you.

  18. Thank you ma,a child of God must not allow fear,when you are too fearful,you will not be able to confront the devil,and it will be difficult to pray.

  19. I refused to entertain any form of fear. Fear is the weapon that the devil operates with but i refused to be afraid or live in fear. Thank you mummy.

  20. Fear is a deceit and a stumbling block that every child of God must learn how to deal with.

  21. How come i missed this, all i have to say is thank u God for is mercies endureth forever. Thanks you ma for this message its helps, may God continue to increase u in wisdom and understand��


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