Looking at last week’s topic of companionship, a scripture came to my mind
Amos 3:3 KJV
[3] Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
This is the foundation for companionship. Two people can not walk together without agreeing to do so. There must be a common ground and a point of attraction in every relationship. Two are better than one if they are of the same kind. Their multiplier effect is felt more. You must identify your kind. A prey should not consider walking with its predator because it’s destiny will be choked or truncated sooner or later.
 What is agreement?
Agreement is harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling. it can also be defined as the act of coming to a mutual decision, position or arrangement. It is
the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in which they approve of or accept something.
For two to walk together in the journey of life, there has to be agreement on certain issues that will make the journey fruitful or worthwhile. It is almost impossible for all decisions to be reached at once but some things are very pertinent for consideration, such as;
Where are we going?
What are we going to do? 
When? Etc
Assignment and cooperation must be clear in order to achieve our desired result. Along the line some things will come up, but knowing how to reach a compromise when there’s disagreement of opinion without a fight, is key in achieving the goal of a blissful relationship.
 The following makes the walk interesting;. 
Friendship must be cultivated deliberately. This creates room for true intimacy. Friendship gives room for fellowship. A true friend loves all the time irrespective of the circumstance.

2) Discussion on topic of interest to both parties.
 It must not be about you, what interest you or what you want but putting the other person into consideration before speaking, acting or taking a decision. This keeps communication, which is the bedrock of any relationship, alive.

Laughing together
Laughing together makes the journey less stressful. You must be intentional about this. A merry heart always do the heart good. Watch comedy. Laugh at your mistakes. Make fun out of issues. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have surprises for yourselves, it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. It could just be a note. it is absolutely worth it.

4) Joy
Joy produces energy and you need this positive energy to advance in your journey of life. By the time you look back you will be surprised that you have covered so much grounds.

5) Sacrifice
Every relationship requires that you give your best even when it is not convenient. Knowing when to sacrifice and how is important in achieving a blissful relationship. However, a delicate balance is needed here so that undue exploitation can be prevented. 
In reality we can’t exhaust all the points required for a blissful relationship but the truthis if we work on the little we know it will bring about much difference. We will delve more into issues of relationship next week.
Folakemi Olukoyede 


  1. Understanding one another and communication goes a long way in any relationship

  2. More grace and wisdom ma. God bless

  3. That's for sure. This is one of the keys to building a lasting relationship.

  4. You're on point. More wisdom in Jesus name.

  5. My sister, you've made very salient points here. I agree with all of them. I just have to add that I strongly believe that LOVE CONQUERS ALL. I don't see any other reason anybody should get married outside Undiluted Love. Love will help you see things clearly. Agreeing with someone on any issue is a function of love. I'd say "Love In Action".
    If there's no common ground in any relationship, such union will not last or Stand The Test of Time.

  6. Wow. This is beautiful. Also as a couple, finding every reason to enjoy each other company is a good thing that will help couple be in one accord. Appreciating the uniqueness of your spouse is helps also. God bless you ma.


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