The driver determines the destination. The plan of God is that you be the driver behind the wheel of your life. No one can take the steering without your permission. Some people have willingly given the steering of their lives to someone else to handle. It’s time you take it back and chart your own course according to God’s plan. It’s never too late to take over again. You as the driver, determine the speed with which you journey in life. You are not in competition with anyone. However speed is irrelevant when you are in the wrong.  A man decided to outrun another person. He put in all his effort. By the time his mission was accomplished, he realized he had long passed where he was supposed to turn and also noticed that the person he was competing with, didn’t know anything was happening. Pause and ask yourself, where am I heading to? If you don’t know where you are going, anywhere will be your bus stop.

A good driver ensures that his vehicle is in good condition and there’s enough gas. In the same vein, ensure you stay healthy and fit for your assignment in life. It’s not everything that is good for you. Don’t eat because you like it, eat what is good for you. Know what your body needs. No reasonable driver will put fuel (pms) in a vehicle that uses diesel. Don’t assume, check to be sure. Assumption can lead to frustration. You can’t afford to be careless. Do your regular checks. Your engine of life will not suddenly knock in Jesus name. A common sight in this part of the world is people holding their phones on one hand to take calls while driving, instead of using hands free. So many things are available to make our journey smooth but some people will choose to take dangerous risk. Life has no duplicate. As you continue in your journey in life, may the wisdom to do the right thing and overcome every obstacle be granted you in Jesus name.


Folake Olukoyede 


  1. Amen.I receive the grace to stay on course in the race of life in nesJe name


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