1 Corinthians 16:9 KJV

[9] For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.

Doors are systems to access. It can be entrance or exit. They can be bridge to something wonderful or barriers. Every time you see a door, you are faced with a need to make a choice. You decide whether you should walk past or you walk through. A lot of factors will be responsible for your decision as you don’t know what lies ahead. It is only the Holy Spirit that knows all things and can lead you correctly. The fact that God leads you or opens a door for you doesn’t mean you won’t face challenges. The enemy always stand as an obstruction to great things but Jesus already dealt with him. He has given you the victory. 

God can shut a door for something greater ( maybe promotion, protection and so on). God shut Noah in. Prison door was shut on Joseph for promotion. That loss of job, quit notice, doctors report will take you to a great testimony in Jesus name.

Your proximity to a door, does not guarantee accessibility. No matter how desperate you are to go through, you can’t pass through a door that is not opened (and you don’t have the key). 

The word of God can be the spiritual keys that you need to open doors. The word of God is the same as the God of the word. The word of God opens the door to the works of God. When your word comes, your chain breaks. Door of manifestation opened to Jesus when He found what was written concerning Him. Your revelation becomes your manifestation. 

Some times you need to knock for the door to open. Matt7:7 says knock and it shall be opened to you. Knocking requires patience and persistence. 

You can knock the door through prayers. Elijah’s prayer closed the heavens so that there was no rain. He prayed again after three and half years and there was rain. The church prayed continually for Peter when Herod put him in prison and a miracle happened. The angel of the Lord led him out of the prison. Everyone that has been held bound in any way, will experience the supernatural hand of God. You will experience a testimony that looks like a dream as Peter did.

You can knock through praise and worship. Praise is acknowledging the supremacy of God which allows God to move in your circumstance. Paul and Silas praised God in the prison and their bands were supernaturally let loose. Use your weapon of praise. 

However not all doors are meant for you. So you need the spirit of discernment. You will not walk through the door the enemy opened in Jesus name. Enjoy open doors in Jesus name.


Folake Olukoyede 


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