James 1:2-3 KJV - My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

Contrary to the normal human mindset, we are instructed to count our trials and temptations as joy. This is kingdom mindset, not the world’s. God’s plan is to use our trials to make us grow and to strengthen us.  This looks impossible to the natural man. That is why the scriptures the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Those trials try our faith and produce patience in you. Faith is built as you hear the word of God, but trials reveal how much faith you have. Faith is tested through trials but not produced by trials. Counting your trials as joy is a way of expressing your faith and it shows whether you are focusing on the trial or on God. When you focus on God, it depicts your trust in Him and empowers you to give thanks and praise Him, with an assurance that He will help you through it. Paul and Silas were locked up in prison. Rather than focusing on the trial, getting bitter and pitying themselves, they focused on God and prayed and sang praises unto God. God showed up. Joy pulls God into your situation. 

Trials are part of life. They are inevitable that was why James said when you fall into it not if. They happen to every living being irrespective of your status. A lot of people know how to react to success but not trials. Some get discouraged, depressed and disillusioned when faced with trials. Everything starts from the mind, including the interpretation you give what you are faced with. Whatever controls your mind, controls your life. Don’t let your trials push you down, instead let it push you on your knees. 

Respond to your trials God’s way, not how you feel. Counting your trials as joy may not be easy initially but by constant practice, you grow and have testimonies. You are then able to use one testimony of the act of God to procure another. David used the testimony of killing bears and lion to bring down the head of Goliath. He trusted God all the way, that was why he was unperturbed when others were jittery. It is only with God you find joy even when you are faced with trial. In His Presence there is fullness of joy. You can’t count your trials as joy without God. Trust Him and give Him thanks. When joy flows from you to God in trials, He shows up, takes over and open the prison doors as He did for Paul Silas. 


Folakemi Olukoyede 


  1. Thank you jesus because the trials of my faith worketh patience, I receive the grace that only comes from you to push through,thanks for sharing ma.God bless you ma.

  2. Olayinka Adebayo20 October 2023 at 18:19

    Thank you very much my dear sister for the inspiring clip. We pray for good success over every trial of our faith in Jesus Precious Name. This is when we can have promotion. Abraham, Joseph, Daniel are few examples. Like the secular schools you get promoted after passing the test.

  3. If you say you worship Jesus and serve Him but you do not go through any form of trial(s) then, I question your born again. It might be that you are actually born against the Lord or you have compromised your faith. Christians are meant to suffer with Jesus so that they can be stronger in the spirit.
    So, count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptation.... It is because you belong to Jesus and you're heaven bound. Especially, if the pains is not as a result of iniquity..

  4. Timely message for this critical times especially within our peculiar context in Nigeria. I receive grace to count my trials joy in order to allow God work patience into me.

  5. Absolutely. Praise is an advance level of faith.It is only a person of faith that will count his trials as joy.The days of adversity are days of realities. Prov.24:10.If you faint in the days of adversity,not because satan is stronger but because your strength is small..More grace woman of God.You inspire me a lot.I appreciate you

  6. May God give us victory over our trails,it bounces to happen as a child of God,but we ask for the grace not to deviate from the faith


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