Challenges and dificulties are unavoidable. They come whether you are walking in God’s will or not. Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth had to contend with barrenness. We all have to contend with one challenge or the other at every point in life. 

When you are faced with difficult situations, do you give up or walk through? A very good example of a person that persevered is Abraham Lincoln. He failed some many times but he pushed past his failures and eventually became the 16th president of the United States. His name is known till date because he didn’t give up. Life is full of experiences that will make you swim or sink.  Don’t wait to learn to swim when the boat is at verge of capsizing. God is always willing to walk us through every difficult situation. Build a strong relationship with God before crises. 

Faith believes what it can’t see which is contrary to the world standard. People can easily relate with what they can see that is why they state the obvious. Always see the light at the end of the tunnel before it shows up. Through faith in God and His word, envision victory. You are more than a conqueror. With God you will pull through. Faith persists when things don’t feel like it or look like it. Don’t allow fear to rule you. Fear is False Evidences Appearing Real. Fear is an enemy that is like a roaring lion, it is not a roaring lion. Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah. 

If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at God, you’ll be at rest. Psalm 34:5 KJV

They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.

Never give up in face of adversity.

Never give up in prayer. 

Never give up in perseverance. 


Folake Olukoyede 


  1. God bless you always ma, for Your words of encouragement. The Lord will help us all. Amen

    1. Always on point ma More grace n glory upon your life n ministry ma.

  2. Thanks always ma. Greater grace in Jesus name Amen

  3. A good message. God bless you ma

  4. Great! May His grace, mercies and love continue to dwell in us even when our faith in Him weakens. Amen

  5. His grace is sufficient ,l won't give up on God,thanks for sharing ma

  6. The first two sentences of this blog is it for me. "Challenges and dificulties are unavoidable. They come whether you are walking in God’s will or not." That's the hallmark of our common faith but the world and more surprising is the fact that there are believers who insist that the level of ease (material blessings/prosperity) you enjoy is a reflection of your level of faith and a pointer to know if God is with you or not. But the scriptures are littered with men who walked this path of faith whose lives were filled with all sorts of unimaginable crisis despite their strong faith. We can ask Job. Faith is crazy and a total divergent to the way of the world/flesh.
    May we find grace to help us in crisis so that we hold unto our faith till our declared victory is made manifest.
    Thank you for this word of exhortation.
    Strength to you Ma'am and to the saints.

  7. Thank you ma, this is encouraging i am lifted!

  8. God bless you ma real good for remembering me with this message.

  9. We pray for GOD'S strength always, thank you ma.

  10. God remains faithful. Wisdom is learning and growing through challenges of life. We do our work and God does God’s work. Complete.


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