Two balls were put together, one was inflated and the other was deflated. The deflated ball was thrown up and it came down and remained on the floor. The other ball was thrown up, it came down and bounced up again. It’s a function of what’s inside you. This week we’re looking at building yourself to becoming a better you. Every man is endowed with ability. It can only be activated by you. You are an entity with a distinct identity, be conscious of this. Build yourself intentionally. This is your sole responsibility. Increase your efficiency. Have a plan to improve yourself and bring out the greatness in you. There’s a treasure in you, enhance it and project it. We’re in a season of upgrade. Everything around us is upgrading. Don’t be left out. Upgrade yourself Spiritually, financially, academically/intellectually, relationally and physically. Joseph did not appear before the king in his prison clothes. He had his challenges yet he changed his clothes, dressed up and showed up. Initiate your change and be prepared for life irrespective of what you are faced with. You can not afford to gamble with your life. There will be hurdles to cross to get to your destined location. Be determined to cross them with the help of God. Every phase will pass away, so don’t be discouraged. Don’t let anything stop you. Focus on your strength. Everything you do is magnified by people. so choose your words and behavior with care. Be inspired. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Lead yourself before leading others. Have a positive attitude. Always lend your ear and create rapport. Touch a heart before asking for a hand. Create your own distinction. Put in more effort to grow daily. Leave your comfort zone and be tough on yourself.

The comfort zone is the enemy of creativity. Moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fear - Dan Stevens. Let’s work at birthing the seed of greatness in us. Be all you can be. You are more than this. Shalom.

Folake Olukoyede 


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