We will be looking at relationship with yourself in this article. The commandment to love your neighbor as yourself speaks volume and that is the basis for this write up. It begins with loving yourself before loving others. For you to love your neighbor, you have to love yourself first. You can only love others as you love yourself. Relationship with yourself determines your relationship with others. It is easy to neglect yourself without realizing it, so we want to shed conscious light on it. 

How well do you love yourself? 

What values do you possess?

Are you completely honest with yourself?

Who do you surround yourself with?

Who listens and supports your vision or dreams?

Do you serve others without serving yourself?

Loving yourself entirely and ensuring your needs are met is a spring board to doing the same for others. How you treat yourself is how you will treat others. 

Accepting all aspects of yourself completely and treating yourself well makes serving and empowering other people come naturally.

Practicing self love not only ensure your needs are met but also ensures you are not subjecting yourself to relationships, commitments and perspectives that disempowers you. You need to be empowered not disempowered. 

Don’t put yourself under pressure and don’t let anybody put you under pressure. Don’t compare yourself with anyone and don’t allow anybody compare you with others. Give to yourself and give others. When money comes to your hand, intentionally put something aside for yourself.

Forgive yourself. You’re human so you can err. When you forgive yourself, you can forgive others with ease. (I know there are people who forgive themselves and don’t forgive others but that it not our focus in this write up).

Praise yourself when you do things well. Commend yourself, don’t condemn yourself. Learn to appreciate yourself. Encourage yourself and add value to yourself. List out good things about yourself.

Look your best as often as you can. Look at the mirror and say words of affirmation to yourself. 

Commune with your maker. Let Him lead you the way you should go. No one can know a product more than the manufacturer. Trust in Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. I see your beauty coming out. A  better you is emerging. Keep shining. Shalom.

Folake Olukoyede 


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