Luke 18:1 KJV

[1] And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

The above scripture says men should pray always, constantly, every time, and not to faint or be tired/weary. After this injunction, we were told of a judge who neither feared God nor regarded man but had to avenge a widow because he didn’t want her to weary him with her continual coming. We also do that with our kids when they keep disturbing with their request. We try to get them off our back so we give them what they want, some times reluctantly all in a bid to allow us concentrate on other important matters. If human beings can do this, God who is just will do much more. Note that the widow was not tired of going back to the judge. She was determined to get justice. A lot of people have desires but are not desperate or determined to do all it takes to get that desire. While some are determined, they get weary along the way. If we are willing to pray consistently, there’s a God that is ready to answer. That is why He says in Jeremiah 33:3 that when we call on Him, He will answer us and show us great and mighty thing that we know not. Prayer is giving God the authority to intervene in the affairs of man. Prayer Revolution 180 is a call to prayer,. A gathering of believers all over the nations to pray in the spirit for 180 days for one hour daily starting from this Saturday, the 1st of May. Will you make yourself available for this divine course? Can God depend on you? When we pray in the Spirit, God’s needs are met and our own needs are also met. If we want to get what we have not gotten before, we must be willing to do what we have not done before. As you make room for God in this noble mandate, the Lord will show you kindness and reward your labor in Jesus name. Join the revolution now. More details here:


Folake Olukoyede


  1. Nice piece, Lord give me strength to be calling on you always, forever. Don't let my faith in you weakens. Amen

  2. Thanks MA and God bless you for this week article.

    God help us to continually seek HIS Face always especially in this time and season.

  3. Great admonition. Prayer does wonders

  4. Thank God for your love in us that will never fade in Jesus name.
    God Almighty will Anointing us, strengthen us and empower us,me and all my children spiritually in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.amen.

  5. Power, strength, Anointing to pray always, God Almighty release upon me and my children in Jesus name l pray.

  6. Mummy thank you for the blog always send to me. The presence, Joy of God will not depart from you and not leave you alone in Jesus name.

  7. Thanks very much for this write up.Prayer is the master key for our demand from God. I pray that the Almighty God will grant us the anointing and strength to pray always.Thank you and I wish you More anointing ijmn.

  8. Amen.Thanks ma..#Pr180 is here!

  9. Yes prayer is indeed the key even doe at times it's seems as if when you pray nothing happens , we just have to keep hoping and looking on to GOD that knows the beginning and the end. Thank you ma.


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