Isaiah 55:11 KJV

[11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

The devil does not determine your fate, your word does. When you believe and speak words that align with what God has already spoken or declared, you release a force to which everything adjust to. Same things happen when we speak negative words. Words have spiritual power, so they are not to be taken lightly. Until you admit that the words that you speak are spirit and life, you may not understand how powerful your words are. God created the heaven and the earth by His Words and that creative ability was deposited in us when He created us in His image and after His likeness and breathe upon us. At creation, God was faced with formlessness, void and darkness. God did not say what He saw, He spoke what He wanted and that was what came to pass. As gods, we are not to speak what we see, but what we have envisioned and believed. We have been programmed to say things based on what we see, but we are to say things based on the word of God. We are not to look at things which are seen, but things which are not seen, because those things which are seen are subject to change. The worlds were framed by the word of God, because God knows that His words cannot return to Him void. The word does the work. The day we put ourselves as gods like our Heavenly Father in the opening scripture in Isaiah 55:11, we will be mindful what we say henceforth. If you know that the word that goes forth out of your mouth will not return to you void but it will accomplish that which you please, and it will prosper in the thing whereto you sent it, won’t you weigh your words before you speak? That as it may, what kind of words will you speak? Increase the value you put on words. You have what it takes to frame your world.


Folake Olukoyede 


  1. Indeed there is power in God's word.

  2. God bless you mummy for this powerful piece.

  3. Glory to God for this write up. Am blessed, I can now manage my words.

  4. Thobeka Madondo24 July 2022 at 22:01

    Powerful words. Words create just like in the book of Genesis and Ezekiel 37 . Our words create like a boomerang effect.

  5. Powerful 💪


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