2 Chronicles 27:6 KJV

[6] So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God.

Preparation is something done to get ready for an event or what is to come. It is thinking through. It is becoming adequately ready for what is desired. Only those who prepare their ways make waves. Spiritual preparation determines physical results. Heart preparation determines earth manifestation. God prepared for everything He did and we can only be like our Father 1Cor2:9. Redemption was not after thought. God prepared to redeem us before we were born or committed any sin. Creation wasn’t stumbled into. It was prepared for and done systematically Prov8:27-30. That’s why nobody builds without having a drawing of the design. That’s part of the preparation for building. 

Preparation has no substitute in life adventure. You hardly get stranded even in the face of obstacles when you prepare. Your preparation determines your result.

Preparation is something God holds highly. God gives notice of His visitation so that the people can be prepared by sanctifying themselves. 

When you are faithful over a little, you are preparing for the next level. Things don’t happen by chance. It takes preparation to receive from God. Divine ability comes from God but responsibility is dependent on man. Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God. He didn’t become mighty by chance, he took responsibility for his life. Proper preparation prevents poor performance. Out of ten virgins only five were prepared. 

Cooking requires preparation. Traveling requires preparation. Giving birth requires preparation. Life itself also requires preparation. As you prepare, depend on the Holy Spirit, keep your eyes on the finished line and avoid distractions. Someone once said that “Distractions are side attractions wanting to get your attention to keep you in detention.”

Get ready to pay the price to obtain the prize. Planes don’t just take off or land. Adequate preparation must be in place to avoid crashing. Athletes don’t wish to win, they prepare through rigorous training.

Jesus prepared for ministry by going to the temple to listen and ask questions. You can’t do the same thing the way and expect a different result. Be deliberate about your preparation for 2023, it will have no choice but to birth great wonders.


Folake Olukoyede 


  1. Great insight. Thanks Ma and greater grace in Jesus name

    1. Great insight. Thanks Ma and greater grace in Jesus name

  2. Hmmm, thank you ma for the hidden truth revealed for our day to day living

  3. Thanks for this timely message Ma. Grace upon grace, in Jesus' name!

  4. Wonderful! We pray for God's grace , mercies and love to equip us for this preparation. Amen.

  5. Lovely to set our minds for 2023. The Girl Guide’s law is “Be prepared”. God help us all to achieve great wonders and achieve all God intends for us in 2023 in Jesus Name. Amen

  6. Proper preparation for my 2023, by GOD'S Grace amen . Thank you ma


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