Our nation and churches are made up of families -nation/church is a composite of 'homes'. If the homes are out of order, then the nation/church that is the collective group of those homes is also going to be out of order. A nation/church can never be stronger than the families that comprise it. There is need for us to pay keen attention on our families. This world will be a better place if we choose to truthfully and lovingly attend to issues in our families. That way we will produce good seeds that will go out there and illuminate their world. Excuses for not performing our primary assignment within our families should be addressed as a matter of urgency.

Solomon understood this when he was planning for a project. He drafted three times the number of workers needed for the Temple project and then arranged their schedules so they didn't have to be away from home for long periods. The home/families need great attention. He sent 10,000 men in shifts to Lebanon, so that each man would be one month in Lebanon and two months at home. The project was important to him but not at the expense of the welfare of his workers and their families. 1Kings5:13-14. The strength of a nation or congregation is in direct proportion to the strength of its families. Watch for the impact of your work or plan on your family.The key to turning a congregation, a city and a world to God and to godly living is the divine restoration of families. 

The family is very important to God. Eph 3:5 refers to the family in heaven and on earth. The unity, love, peace e.t.c that obtains in Trinity is what should exist in every home. It is in the place of unity that God commands the blessing. There should be no unhealthy competition, strife, jealousy, envy e.t.c in the family.

The family begins with the institution of marriage. This is God’s plan that is why problems come when God is pushed aside. It is His idea so it can't work without Him. God is the pillar that holds everything. 

The first blessing on man was ..."And God blessed THEM...."Gen 1:28. 

The first miracle Jesus did was at a wedding ceremony John2:11

The first salvation through Noah when the world was destroyed by water, was the salvation of the family. ..."and Noah prepared the ark for the deliverance of his own family". Hebrews 11:7.

Jesus Himself came to the earth through a family. Matthew 1:25

God blessed the family when He made a covenant with Abraham, ..."and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed". Genesis12:3

God holds the family in high esteem and anyone that claims to love God must do same. Families are dear to Him. That is why the Scripture says that anyone that brings trouble to his own family will inherit the wind. Prov11:29. Anyone who for material gains or selfish reasons break the family salvation is securing destruction for himself or herself. When the angels were to destroy Sodom, they made sure they got Lot and his family out by force Genesis 19:16. Achan in the book of Judges 7 brought problem to his family. Your daily living has a direct impact on you and your family.

You can leave a blessing or a curse for your family. When Rahab was to be rewarded for saving the two spies, her family was saved before the city was destroyed Joshua 6:23. What the children of Eli did affected him and his generation 1 Samuel 3:13-14. See also what the Lord said in Jeremiah 22:24-30 about Coniah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah. Let us be mindful how we build our families. Jeremiah 22:13 " Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong". Anything that will not bring glory to God or advance His Kingdom is classified as wrong. Start today to make amends. May God help us. We will not fail Him in Jesus name. 

Folakemi Olukoyede


  1. We receive grace to raise Godly seeds.

    Very inspiring ma

  2. We hear your heart which greatly reflects the Father's heart. Raising godly seed is our mandate!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Here comes another great teaching. I just have to confess, am in total agreement to this teaching. Secondly, am most blessed by it. Rhe grace for more of this kind is released unto you ma,am

  4. Home building is a priority..
    Family is everything

  5. Good and inspirational,the hope of church and d nation relies on the family.The Recabites will also come to mind,likewiseAquilla and Priscilla among many. More annoiting mummy G.O.

  6. Great lesson. May God continue to help us build great families/ nations. So the world will be a better place. Our Mummy, God will continue to give you more wisdom and knowledge. Thank you.

  7. I am all for this specific message. Home is where it all begins. We need to take learning for home development so seriously. School of Home Development. I like the example of Solomon. Hire 3x the people so tje men can be 2 months at work but 1 month at home. Now adays families live in 2 locations because of their jobs. It is so dangerous and can lead to easy family disintegration. I pray you treat this problem in the weekly messages. Blessings

  8. May the Lord's name be praised forever. Nice one! We pray for His wisdom always to be able to put families first in all we do so that the world would be a better place for us to live.

  9. May God continue to help us as individuals to build godly families


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