Trust is an essential factor for any relationship to thrive.
What is Trust?
Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone. It is the acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or statement. 
No good relationship can be in place without trust. There can’t be lack of trust without evidences of betrayal. A robust relationship is one in which the other person respects you and can be trusted and vice versa. Trusting each other in a relationship does not indicate perfection because we’re human. It is giving the other person room to express who they are.
People bring into relationship what they have in their background, what they saw growing up. When people keep believing you when they shouldn’t, based on repeated happenings, and you take them for granted, the relationship will be grounded, it’s only a matter of time. Don’t wait until the relationship ends or things get out of hand before you make amends.
Rebuilding trust requires that you take personal responsibility for the actions that broke the trust. Don’t try to make people sorry for what you did by making them feel guilty and taking responsibility for what you did wrong or dealing with other people by making them believe that if you have that issue, they must have it too. Such attitude shows that the person is unwilling to change. You are responsible for changing your behavior.. 
Get to the root of the problem and solve it.
Don’t dwell on the past especially if there’s no reoccurrence of such.
When people give you love/ trust, be kind enough to let them receive same back.
Loving someone who has betrayed you and continues to break trust is not a healthy relationship. It is a sign that you don’t love yourself enough or you have unrealistic hope that the person will change their untrustworthy attitude.
Lack of trust in any relationship makes the relationship toxic and very dangerous.  
The best way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them. That way you would have done your part if they prove otherwise. The realityof life is you can’t control what people will do to you. The truth, however is that you can control what you will do or how to respond. Friendship is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble. Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair. So be mindful how you build.

Folakemi Olukoyede 


  1. Highly insightful. Grace upon grace MA!

  2. Without trust there's no relationship. It's like a pick of cards that can easily crumble at the slightest touch.

  3. Trust is the key factor for any relationship to work.

  4. More grace to you, my sister, in this regard. Trust is key in any relationship. Once the trust is eroded, it's clear signal that the relationship won't last. However, it can be redeemed as you have rightly pointed out. I think & believe that trust should not be allowed to break in the first place because once it's broken, things will never remain the same again.There will be forgiveness & healing, but there will be room for doubt even if the other party is sincere.
    One of the major ingredients in any relationship is trust & this is key to sustaining it.


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