Job 3:25 KJV

[25] For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.

Thinking is the process of considering or reasoning about something. Everything we do in life begins with a thought process. We are made to think, process and envision things. Our thoughts can determine their reality. It is possible to get what you focus on. If you pay close attention, you will see the correlation between your thoughts and what you have in your reality. Your thoughts can produce fear or faith and also give birth to what it produced. Negative thoughts can not produce positive results instead it will create fear and unpleasant experiences. Negative thoughts give room for the devil to operate. Job said what he greatly feared and what he was afraid of came upon him. What was he thinking of that confirmed the calamity that befell him? Why did he think he could lose everything God had blessed him with? Why didn’t he think of the scripture that says the blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow? Watch what you think. See yourself as a magnet attracting the essence of what you are thinking. If you are thinking or feeling unhealthy, you cannot attract health. The good part is that you always have the option to choose better thoughts to replace bad/negative thoughts. Removing negative things from your life can make space for more positive things. It’s the same effort you spend thinking negatively that you also spend thinking positively. Be careful what you sow into yourself, because as the earth remains seed time and harvest will not cease. Seeds grow. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. What you believe will happen in your life is what does happen. Creating your own reality begins with your thought. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. See things in the realm of possibilities and not impossibilities. The key to unlocking greatness is in your hands. 


Folake Olukoyede 


  1. "Creating your own reality begins with what your thought." Great insight Ma! Grace upon grace, in Jesus' name!

  2. Hummmm.Thank you for sharing ma

  3. Our life follows after our words and our words are formed from our thoughts
    Well said Pastor

  4. Well written!

  5. What a great teaching we have here. Thanks for this lecture ma'am.

  6. True talk ma! I will always guide my thoughts. Thank you.

  7. Thank you for sharing this valuable life nugget.

  8. Thanks for sharing. The ALMIGHTY GOD who knows everything will STRENGTHEN our faith IJMN. Amen.

  9. Food for thought. Thank you

  10. Thanks a lot ma.your thought is your life.so think right


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