To invest means to expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result. It also means to provide or endow someone or something with a particular quality or attribute. Investment is what everyone carefully does, expecting to receive returns. Nobody throws money around and the same goes for relationships. I always say relationship is a currency. The way we handle our currency differs. Some people rumple their money. Some forget it in their pockets and wash it with the clothes. We can not afford to be careless with our relationships. It has the potential of outliving us. David and Jonathan had a relationship. When Jonathan died, David said is there anyone left in the house of Saul that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake? 2Sam 9:1. Relationships are seeds that we need to carefully plant, nurture, water and harness. It is not every relationship that can be symbiotic (that gives mutual benefit). Some relationships can not pay you back not because they don’t want to but they don’t have the capacity. However every one has something to give, even if it’s just a bit of kindness and love so don’t carry the mentality of I don’t have to give. It may not the same level of input that you get. The joy we have when we have relationships with people who can’t pay us back, is the joy that you leave them better than you met them. People always ask me, what do you do with a relationship that is toxic or parasitic in nature (always draining you and not adding to you)? My answer is if you have the capacity to keep on and it doesn’t affect you in any way, go on but if affects adversely, the answer is in Jn 15 vs 2. Every branch that does not bear fruit is taken away and the one that bears fruit is pruned (consciously worked at) so that it can bring forth much fruit. Before I conclude, I want to implore you to do your best to make amends on relationships that you have mishandled in time past. Forgive those who have despitefully used you and keep being a blessing as much as you can now that you have the time and grace. As you make new friends, hold old ones dearly in your heart. Keep on being like Christ. Shalom

Folakemi Olukoyede


  1. Indeed relationship are currency...
    Thanks for this piece

  2. Glory to God! God , the Father, Son and Holy Spirit also cherish and desire relationship. That's why He asked that we commune with him on a consistent basis. We receive Grace to continue to nurture the relationship we have. Thanks for sharing ma

  3. The strength you possess is in the quality of relationships tou have.

    Thanks a million ma. Very inspiring write up

  4. Thank you Ma. It calls for a deep reflection on the way we treat people and handle relationships

  5. To me some toxic relationship should earn a walk away. Give some space and be honest about it. But correction should be done in love.

  6. Beautiful one.
    Thanks for the revelation knowledge.


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