Psalm 65:11 KJV [11] Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness. As we get engrossed in rounding off the year and entering a new year, making out plans for the new year on what we want to achieve, please ensure that you include some things that are extremely important . The additional degrees, getting more money, expanding your frontiers are all good projects, but there’s more to life than all these. Please consider the following; -Ensure that knowing God more is a priority in your life. Those that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. -Be selfless and not selfish. As you think of yourself, think of being a blessing to others. When you build men, you can’t determine what men can do and how God can repay you. In every seed is a potential for great harvest. It is more blessed to give than to receive. -Enhance your relationships. Relationship is currency. Don’t slam the doors on people, you may need to reopen that door. Do unto others as you want others...